The annual massive old car flea market and car show known simply as Hershey took place October 10-13. I attended along with a number of other Forty-Niners, including Dennis Akerman, Art Archambeault, Bill Bickle, Prez Joe Cutler, former CLC President Bill Edmunds, Jim Murdoch, Rege McDonough, Jon Schneck and others too numerous to mention.
As usual, The Cadillac & LaSalle Club had its Hospitality Tent set up on the appropriately named Chocolate Field, where, after having found that elusive widget for their car, members could slake their thirst, take a load off their tired feet and ease their weary bones into a welcoming chair.
Displayed in front of the tent as an attraction to passers-by was Art Archambeault’s gorgeous Cypress Green Series 62 Sedan. No doubt it was there to tempt non-CLC members to enter the tent and join the club, as well as to serve as a landmark to let members know they had come to the right place. In any case, Art’s 6269 couldn’t be missed.

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